Expandable Tactical Backpack
$ 1 $ 1
This Expandab e Tactcal Backpack s constructed with high quaMy 600 Den er po yester
material, heavy overs zed zippers and tabs. Expandable main compartment with multiple
gear pouches and Molle compat b lrty that allows customiz ng the pack for your needs.
Main compartment expands an add t onal 5" to aocommodate extra vital assault gear to
comp ete your mssion. Main compartment expands from 39 iters (2380 cu in) to 64 liters
(3905 cu in). Sde parachute buckles allow for tighten ng to provide a compact, easy to
transport pack. The smaller pocket on the rear contains an organizer pocket inside. t has
a aptop pouch (17" x 11.5") direcUy beh nd the back padd ng. It can a so carry a hydrat o n
bladder (b adder not included) ns de the ma n compartment and has a hydration port.
- Category : Backpack's