Provided that the laws, regulations, by-laws, circulars related to the purpose and subject of the company, existing and future ones and being limited and dependent on the changes that will occur
The main purpose and subject of the company are as follows:
- All kinds of diameters and models of rifled set pistols, submachine guns and their main parts (silencer, body/frame, slide/cover set/upper body, barrel, ball/chamber/cylinder for collective pistols, mechanism main parts and assemblies) Trigger assembly) and ballistic important parts (firing pin, mechanism bottom plate, nail, extractor, barrel) to manufacture, domestic sales, import and export,
- All kinds of diameters and models of single or automatic fire rifles, sniper rifles, rifled shotguns and their main parts (silencer, body/frame, cover set/upper body, barrel, mechanism main parts and assembly, magazine assembly) To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export ballistic important parts (firing pin, mechanism bottom plate, nail, extractor, barrel) (except for rifled shotguns magazine and trigger assembly),
- Manufacture and domestic sale of all kinds of grenade launchers (rocket launchers, flame throwers, grenade throwers, torpedo tubes gas, smoke, fog and light cartridges) and their main parts (barrel, trigger assembly, body, sight/optical sight). to import and export,
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export all kinds of grooved and non-fluted mortars of all diameters and models and their barrels and sights,
- Manufacture, domestic sale, import and export of light and heavy cannons, howitzers and their main parts (barrel, breech, breech) of all sizes and models, and the barrel apparatus used in these weapons,
- Tanks, tracked and wheeled armored combat vehicles, armored personnel carriers and all kinds of armored personnel carriers equipped with military equipment (weapon, command and control mechanism, thermal cameras, electronic warfare and electronic countermeasure systems), armored weapons and ammunition carrier vehicles and to manufacture, domestically sell, import and export all kinds of weapons, wedge assemblies, armor automatic, semi-automatic fillers, turret barrels and fire control systems of these weapon systems attached to these vehicles,
- Manufacture, domestic sale, import and export of all kinds of military-purpose wheeled tactical vehicles equipped with military equipment (weapons, command and control apparatus, electronic warfare and electronic countermeasure systems), for military purposes; To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export tank trailers, tank carriers, rescue vehicles and armored tracked and wheeled engineering vehicles equipped with military equipment (weapons, command and control apparatus, thermal cameras, electronic warfare and electronic countermeasure systems),
- To manufacture, domestic sales, import and export vehicles of mine clearance and spreading systems, passage opening systems in mined areas,
- To manufacture, domestic sale, import and export all kinds of weapon platforms and platform vehicles,
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export unmanned land vehicles for military purposes,
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export all kinds of military bridge vehicles,
- Production and domestic sales of all kinds of ammunition used in barreled guns of any diameter and model, and their main parts and propellant (artillery ammunition propelling powders, light weapons ammunition propelling charge powders, special purpose propellant charge powders, excluding black powder) and explosives, import and export, manufacture, domestically sell, import and export all kinds of fuze insertion devices and specially designed parts for all types and models of warfare weapons,
- All kinds of explosive materials (such as explosives within the scope of Wassenaar Arrangement Ammunition List ML8.a, bombs, grenades, smoke bombs, mines and demolition molds) and their main parts (capsule, medicine, baiting, booster, detonator and main) used for destruction purposes to manufacture, domestically sell, import and export all kinds of explosive materials used as a charge,
- Manufacture of all kinds of flammable, combustible and melting military pyrotechnic materials (light, sound, gas, pyrotechnic materials that generate smoke, military purpose flares, military fog signals/cartridges, detonation fuses or detonation capsules; igniting materials, electrical detonating substances), domestic to sell, import and export,
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export rocket and missile fuels and materials added to these fuels (energetic materials within the scope of Wassenaar Ammunition List ML8) and propellant cartridges,
- Manufacturing of rockets, missiles and torpedoes of all diameters and ranges, as well as the main parts of these systems (rocket engine, warhead, guidance system, seeker head, tail assembly/control system including steerer wings, fuselage, fuse and igniters, sensors), domestic to sell, import and export,
- Manufacturing, domestic sale, import and export of systems used in launching rockets, missiles and torpedoes of all diameters and ranges and their main parts (launch platform, barrel, launcher, fire control system, pneumatic pressure providing components of 3000 PSI and above),
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export all kinds of destructive materials, weapons, ammunition and systems used for the placement, transportation and launch of these weapons, which can be created using Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) warfare materials,
- Protective clothing against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear materials used for military purposes, protective underwear, protective boot cover, protective gloves and systems, masks and filters, their filters, CBRN protective filters and protective fabrics used in CBRN systems, all kinds of CBRN detection To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export diagnostic and defense systems and devices and materials within the scope of Wassenaar Arrangement Ammunition List ML7,
- All kinds of military-purpose aircraft, fixed or rotary wing manned and unmanned aerial vehicles, drones, balloons, all kinds of warfare systems that can be used in these aircraft and parts specially designed for them (launch systems, launch and rescue vehicles, ground support equipment, command or manufacture, domestic sale, import and export of equipment designed for
- Manufacture, domestic sale, import and export of horizontal and vertical stabilized, complete tail, aileron, flap, spar, complete wing, longeron, bulkhead and fuselages used in military aircraft,
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export display-radio-radar systems of military aircraft (navigation instruments and devices, radar devices and all radio devices including those for remote control) and targeting and target tracking devices used in these vehicles. ,
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export the engines of military aircraft (turbofan, turbojet, turboprop, turboshaft, piston) and the combustion chamber, turbine, turbine blade, turbine disc, turbine nozzle parts used in these engines,
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export the landing gear struts, propellers, spindles and rotors (rotor hub, main transmission and rotor blades) of military aircraft, manufacture, domestically sell, import and export all kinds of weapon systems, equipment and ammunition fitted to military aircraft, including Countermeasure Ammunitions and their launch systems (dispensers),
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export unmanned aerial vehicles launching devices and assemblies and mechanical, electromechanical, electronic, optical and optronic devices specially designed for military use in aircraft,
- To manufacture, domestic sale, import and export warships and platforms of all types and classes used above and below water,
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export weapons, fire control and command control systems, acoustic decoys and acoustic mixers used on naval platforms,
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export mechanical, electromechanical, electronic, optical and optronic devices, acoustic sensors and armor material specially designed for military use on naval platforms,
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export all kinds of boats specially designed or adapted for military use, on which guns, gun bases or military electronic systems can be placed,
- Manufacturing, domestic sale, import and export of manned or unmanned surface and underwater sea vehicles for military purposes,
- Electronic Warfare (EW), Electronic Attack (ET), Electronic Support (ED), Electronic Protection (EK), systems and equipment and simulators and simulation systems for tactical and technical development that test and evaluate these systems, increase/decrease their effectiveness, anti-drones to manufacture, domestically sell, import and export electronic equipment specially designed for military use, included in Article ML11.a of the Wassenaar Regulation Ammunition List,
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export military or secure (encrypted) wired and wireless communication systems, devices and batteries (excluding headphones, microphone sets, accessories and batteries belonging to these devices) with protection and management circuits containing software,
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export crypto and audio security devices used for military or national security purposes,
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export all kinds of weapons and military communication systems originating from laser, acoustic and microwave sources,
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export NATO and ACE type shelters used for military purposes,
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export military reconnaissance surveillance, their recording devices, radars and equipment, and identification and promotion of friends and enemies,
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export all kinds of military and national security purposes,
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export all kinds of military training simulators and simulations, Military-purpose space vehicles (including satellites), satellite systems, mobile/portable/fixed satellites, earth terminals and all kinds of space and ground equipment belonging to these systems (military space vehicles launching vehicles and suborbital vehicles, space observation systems, rocket – launching ramps and towers, transmitting devices with receiving devices, satellite radio link receiving and transmitting antennas) manufacturing, domestic sales, importing and exporting,
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export equipment and weapon systems that can be used for reconnaissance, surveillance, jamming, communication, dispatch and guidance in military satellites,
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export INS (Inertial Navigation Systems) that can be used for military purposes, secure (encrypted) Global Positioning System (GPS, GNSS, GLONAS, etc.) devices and other coordinate determination location and direction detection devices ,
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export military thermal IR (Infrared) and laser sighting, fire control and surveillance devices and devices (military telescopic binoculars, telescopes, periscopes, binoculars, military thermal cameras),
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export explosive material detection systems and mine detectors used for military purposes,
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export military laser marking devices, laser pointers, laser detection warning systems and laser target detection systems,
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export military-purpose night vision devices, night vision binoculars and military-purpose visual concentrator tubes, detectors and reading circuits for detectors,
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export image processing and recording equipment, infrared or thermal imaging equipment, imaging radar sensor equipment and countermeasure systems specifically designed for military use,
- Fire control and related early warning and warning systems and associated systems specially designed for military use (target detection, identification, rangefinder, surveillance and tracking systems, detection, data collection, recognition or diagnosis equipment and the manufacture of sensors integrated equipment. , domestic sales, import and export,
- Manufacture, domestic sale, import and export of invisible (invisible) fabric/mesh, electromagnetic frequency and radiation protection fabrics, anti-radiation fabric, conductive fabrics with night vision binoculars and thermal camera,
- Manufacture, domestic sale and import of invisibility technologies used for military purposes (radar absorbing materials, radar absorbing structures, radar cross-sectional area, forecasting software codes, infrared/visible/acoustic/magnetic trace-reducing materials and techniques, and all kinds of trace prediction software codes). and export,
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export metallic or non-metallic structures (structures providing ballistic protection level III and above within the scope of NIJ or similar national standards) specially designed to provide ballistic protection for military systems and personnel,
- Manufacture, domestic sale, import and export of helmets and helmet covers and inner caps specially designed for helmets, produced to provide ballistic protection in accordance with military standards or similar national standards,
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export the cartridge case production bench, bullet production bench, capsule shooting machine, cartridge filling machine and the like, specially designed for the production of all kinds of ammunition and ammunition main parts used in barreled weapons,
- To manufacture, domestically sell, import and export lathes specially designed for grooving the barrels of rifled-set guns,
- The company may establish, lease and operate a factory production facility after obtaining the necessary permissions from the institutions and organizations required to realize the above-mentioned objectives.
- The Company may buy, sell, operate, rent, lease all kinds of real estate, establish real and personal rights on them, take mortgages, give mortgages and cancel mortgages in order to realize its purpose. It can make servitude, usufruct, sequestration, real estate liability, abandonment to the road with or without charge, abandonment to the public, allotment, amalgamation, and may establish condominium servitude and condominium ownership on immovables. It can perform all kinds of corrections, allotment, unification, division, parcellation and all kinds of transactions and savings related to real estate in the title deed offices.
- It can buy, sell, rent, lease, finance, borrow, secured or unsecured, movable and immovable property, which may be deemed necessary, at home and abroad. It may establish and release guarantees, sureties, business pledges and mortgages on all kinds of movables and real estates and all kinds of fixed facilities and fixtures owned by the company, both on behalf of and on behalf of third parties and legal entities. It may take a mortgage or pledge in return for its receivables, give a mortgage or pledge as a guarantee of its debts or in favor of third parties, request the cancellation of these mortgages, and give all kinds of surety and guarantee.
- To acquire the necessary industrial, property rights and precedent rights such as permits, concessions, licenses, patents, patents, licenses, know-how trademarks, termination letters, documents, trademarks, by expressing all the undertakings and ceremonies required by the legal legislation in order for the business to be the subject of the company. or completely to third parties, may take all kinds of legal savings, In addition, these rights can be assigned, rented or leased.
- The Company may purchase, construct, acquire, sell land, land, building and real estate rights in order to realize its purpose and subject. Transfer and assignment of acquired immovables can make them use or lease partially or completely to third parties.
- The Company may conclude short, medium and long-term loans, and may obtain bills of exchange and surety loans in order to achieve its objectives. It can obtain the necessary domestic and foreign loans for the facilities to be established by the company from internal and external financial institutions and domestic and foreign institutions and businesses.
- The Company may purchase or sell, import and export, use, rent and lease all kinds of machinery, installations, transportation vehicles, devices, equipment and other movable goods and rights necessary for the storage, transportation and sale of products related to its subject.
- The company may engage in all industrial, financial and legal transactions and savings, participate in all public and private tenders, acquire and give agency, representation, brokerage, dealership, and distributorship in order to realize its objectives.
- The company can establish a company related to its subject, make partnerships, participate in existing and future businesses and companies. It may transfer the companies and commercial enterprises dealing with the company’s matters, buy or sell the stocks and shares of the companies established or to be established, provided that they do not act as intermediaries, and may make all kinds of savings on them.
- Provided that it is beneficial for the purpose of the company and without intermediation, the company may buy, take over, provide collateral, and accept securities such as stocks, bonds, usufruct shares and coupons issued or to be issued by private law, public law legal entities, regardless of the subject of the company.
- It may purchase raw materials, by-products, by-products and finished products related to its subject, import, export or otherwise supply, and operate them partially or completely.
- It may produce, sell, import and export spare parts related to its subject and supply them by means of other means, and operate them partially or completely.
- It may cooperate with or partner with local and foreign companies, enterprises and institutions related to the above-mentioned issues.
- Regarding the above-mentioned issues, local and foreign companies may obtain or give distributorship, dealership or representation from enterprises and institutions.
- The company may participate in the tenders opened by official and private institutions in the country and abroad related to all of the above issues.
- The company may carry out export and import transactions by complying with the legal regulations regarding all the above issues.
- It can do contract work related to its subject or have it done.
- It may set up, operate, rent or lease cold storage warehouses related to its subject.
- The company may participate in all kinds of fairs, exhibitions and fairs related to its purpose and subject.
- Apart from the above-mentioned issues, if it is desired to undertake other works that will be useful and necessary for the company in the future, the board of directors will submit it to the approval of the general assembly after taking a decision and the company will be able to carry out these works. This decision, which is in the amendment of the articles of association, will be implemented by registration and announcement.